The days of keyword stuffing are over, but SEO is still important for your business. If you want to take advantage of what search engines like Google and Bing have to offer in terms of acquiring new customers, you’ll need to level up your search engine optimization (SEO) skills. Learning the rules of the game is the first step to success, and keeping up with the current SEO practices is essential if you want to maximize your site’s visibility in search engines and send your targeted traffic over the roof. Here, you’ll learn about 19 of the most relevant SEO statistics for 2022.


SEO Statistics for 2022 You Must Know: 


  1. 61 Percent Of Businesses Say That Improving Their Search Engine Optimization Is Their Top Goal

An increasing number of companies understand the tremendous expansion possible with top Google rankings. While search engine optimization (SEO) may be the top concern for 61% of businesses, the remaining 39% must also place a premium on SEO if they hope to maintain or increase their market share.

2. A 14.6 Percent Conversion Rate Can Be Achieved With The Use Of SEO

Customers are more inclined to make purchases when they feel like they have some say in the matter, as seen by inbound marketing’s conversion rates of over 400 percent compared to the 1.7 percent of typical outbound marketing.


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3. Three-quarters Of A Successful SEO Campaign Should Be Devoted To Off-site Optimization

This may be one of the most shocking seo statistics for 2022. The content of your page is often overrated. However, off-page SEO (which includes link building, social media promotion, and submissions to directories), accounts for the vast bulk of search engine optimization efforts.


seo statistics for 2022


4. By The Year 2024, Voice And Image Searches Will Account For More than 60% Of All Queries

The number of people using cameras and the microphone button on mobile devices to do searches is rising rapidly. Really, in this day and age, who has the time to type?


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5. Long-tail Keywords Are Used In Over Half Of All Searches

Recent studies have shown that at least half of all search inquiries include long-tail keywords, which are more tailored to the features and benefits of the goods and services you provide. Consumers, it seems, are just as picky about their requirements as you are.

6. The Majority Of People That Visit A Website Do So Because They Found It Through An Organic Search Engine Result

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be enticing when you’re attempting to boost your marketing presence. What could be better than paying for your website to be displayed at the top of search engine results for keywords related to your business?



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7. If You Update Your Previous Blog Content, You Can Increase Your Readership By Nearly 111%

Even though your old blog entries have terrible SEO and are embarrassing, you may still be able to clean them up and see a significant increase in traffic by doing so. To improve your posts’ search engine rankings, try using additional metadata and maybe even some images. Connect with the best seo company in india to get a helping hand, to make your blogging career a roaring success.

8. Organic SEO Is More Than Five Times More Effective Than Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising

Have you found that promoted material is something you frequently click on? The general public doesn’t either; they put considerably more stock in organic SEO than they do in paid advertisements. If your marketing budget is already tight and you want to be recognized as an authority in your sector, you should cut back on pay-per-click advertising and put more money into organic search engine optimization.


 top seo statistics for 2022


9. In The Aftermath Of A Search, 70% Of Clicks Are Made On Organic Results, According To A Study

Most people don’t bother clicking on promoted links, therefore it stands to reason that focusing on organic SEO is the surest route to expanding your customer base.


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10. 69 Percent Of All Digital Media Time Is Spent On Mobile Browsing:

There has been a worldwide increase in the use of mobile devices. If your site is not mobile-friendly, you might be losing out on as much as 69% of your audience.


seo statistics for 2022, seo stats for 2022


11. Smartphones Are The Most Popular Shopping Devices:

Despite the importance of mobile web traffic, this statistic should get the attention of every owner of an online store. Mobile optimization is crucial if you want to generate money online (which you do).


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12. Fifty-one Percent Of Consumers Have Higher Faith In Mobile-friendly Sites

The vast majority of today’s consumers will not do business with you if your website is not mobile-friendly. You may get ahead of the curve and generate more revenue by optimizing your site for mobile users.


13. When Using A Mobile Device To Look For A Local Business, 88% Of Consumers Will Take Action Within 24 Hours

According to studies of local SEO data, a customer is quite likely to take immediate action (i.e., call or visit) after conducting a mobile search for your company. Make your site accessible on mobile devices and prioritize local search engine optimization so you may seize the chances that may otherwise slip through your fingers. Take action right now and contact us to avail the best seo services in india.


14. Nearly All Customers Research A Local Company Online Before Making A Purchase

Over ninety-seven percent of consumers will research your company online. If you want to make a good impression on people who are searching for your company online, you should provide Google with accurate information, solicit feedback from happy clients, and invest significant effort into local search engine optimization.



top seo statistics


15. Businesses Who Come Up On The First Page Of Results Earn 92 Percent Of Consumer Traffic

Although it’s not fair, customers won’t even consider your company if it doesn’t show up on the first page of Google or another search engine. Since Google only shows the top 10 results per page, competition for those spots is fierce. If you want to increase your site’s traffic, forget about trying to crack the top 10 of generic search engines and instead focus on increasing your share of niche-specific queries.

16. Nearly Half Of All Google Queries Are Aimed At Locating Local Information

Despite being less than half, the percentage of Google queries that pertain to local information is astounding. This figure merely hammers the point home also that the fate of SEO optimization is local content.


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17. 23.56% Of Neighborhood Shops Haven’t Claimed Their Google My Business Page

Claiming your business on Google is relatively easy, and there’s no reason why this number should be high. Claiming your business on Google gives you the ability to manage the information that appears in search results for your company, whether on a desktop computer or a mobile device, and it also lets you add photographs and videos that can boost your SEO.


top seo stats


18. 82 Percent Of Firms Haven’t Claimed Their Bing Listings

It may seem like a waste of time to bother with search engines other than Google, but Bing is Google’s biggest competitor, and if you don’t claim your business there, you could be losing out on local traffic. But the fact is that bing also a big market share in countries like USA, UK. Therefore, this is one of the seo statistics for 2022 not to be ignored.


19. 73% Of Shoppers Who Read Positive Evaluations Are More Likely To Make A Purchase

This is one of the most ignored seo statistics for 2022. If you want customers to trust you, it’s not enough to just get your information out there; you need to build positive Google reviews. If you run an online business, remind your consumers of the significance of their positive ratings and email them a request for feedback.


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In summary: 

SEO is an essential tool in the success of all businesses now. All the SEO statistics for 2022 point to this fact. So, it makes sense to connect with professional SEO services providers to gain traction in your business.


Why QuickSEO to Promote Your Online Business? 

QuickSEO is an organization founded after research and analysis done by certified digital marketing expert by IIT Delhi. Therefore, we promise:

  • Indomitable Strategies
  • White Hat SEO
  • 100% Unique Content
  • Team of SEO Experts
  • SEO Optimized Content
  • Engaging and Conversion Driven Content
  • 8+ Years of Experience in Industry


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